Far beyond
promo products.
The Thinkwerx crew are the movers and shakers of the corporate branding scene; an innovative team that grew up in the Lakeland and can build, refresh, and display your brand a cut above the rest. Forged in the rich soil of the oil and gas sector, we present a steadfast brand that can uplift companies to compete with the best. Our collective age may be young, but that combined with our old soul produces true dependability, quality, and spirit. There’s a lot to learn about Thinkwerx, we’re far more than just ink and ideas.

Lakeland Camping Mug
Our Culture, Promotional Products
Alberta Screen Printing // TWX
Our Culture, Screen Printing
Alberta Printing DTG // TWX
Our Culture, Screen Printing
Pristine Procedures
Our Culture, Screen Printing
Bonnyville Screen Printing // Made in Alberta
Our Culture, Screen Printing
Custom Printed Beach Towel
Promotional Products
The Thinkwerx Team
Our Culture
Branding + Logo Design in the Lakeland